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July 25, 2004

Fool's Fate, by Robin Hobb

coverAt last I have finished Tawny Man trilogy with its book of conclusion, Fool's Fate.

I found the book a fantastic ending to a wonderful and sadly, too short, trilogy. Without spoiling this for anyone, I found the ending tidy, yet not so much to decry any possible sequel with the same characters. One has to wonder whether FitzChivalry Farseer truly does find happiness, as seems to be a great hope of this particular trilogy, or whether the next adventure awaits right at the next turn. Certainly so much is new, and it is my fervent hope that Robin Hobb will pick up the story again very soon. But not too soon, because I need to make up the sleep I lost because I couldn't put the book down.

As for myself, I need to once and for all, finish A Mirror's Shard and get it published.

Posted by Bastique at July 25, 2004 12:17 PM


I agree with Cary as me too I can't sleep before I finish a chapter and starting another to find its already two in the morning!. I read all the six books regarding Fitz in two months. The series are extraordinary, I sometimes wonder how Robin Hobb created a world of her own and somehow when I look up at the sky I wonder if we really ever had dragons fly over our heads, its a strange but nice thought, and I like to believe it : )

Posted by: Anonymous at October 1, 2005 9:44 PM

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