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July 14, 2004

Golden Fool, by Robin Hobb

Once again, I have had the wonderful opportunity to be engrossed and delighted by a Robin Hobbs novel. This one is the second in the “Tawny Man” trilogy, Golden Fool, and, like the first one, I found it nearly impossible to put down. Hobbs has truly managed to captivate me like very few authors have done in a very long time.

coverI find very few faults with the novel, truly, any criticism I do have seems incedental, considering how much I enjoyed reading it. However, if this is to be a true critique, I must point out some things.

Hobbs has a few annoying writing tendencies that I found in the first novel and chose to overlook, hoping that they would work themselves out. I've always been taught that in English literature it is improper to have two individual speakers within one paragraph—Hobbs gives this rule no consideration and her dialogue is apt to confuse speedier readers like myself. I despise having to return to a paragraph I've supposedly already read only to see that I've missed that Fitz was speaking in the beginning but it was Chade's remarks that concluded the paragraph.

Also, this novel makes a very good middle of a much longer story, but I was not entirely satisfied by the individual journey between page 1 and 709. I understand that another novel is to come, but I want some mote of resolution now and a higher level of drama over the course. The climactic moment of Golden Fool arrived much to early, was much too weak, and dragged far too long.

I loved the novel enough to be prepared to read the trilogy's conclusion, Fool's Fate. I did not go ga-ga enough to pick it up as soon as I turned the last page, especially since I have a friend from whom I may borrow it soon.

Having said all this, one might ask, "So you think you could do a better job?"

My reply might be, "Those who can write novels, do, those who cannot, critique!" Let it be said, however, that I am trying to jump start my own writing. I'll be there soon.

I've even considered serializing some original fiction, right here, on the blog. What would everybody think of that?

Golden Fool can be seen (and purchased!) here: Golden Fool (Tawny Man, Book 2)

Posted by Bastique at July 14, 2004 01:36 PM


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