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July 3, 2004


Here’s a little nod down to my friends in Key West, the Key West Wreckers. Being the party town that it is, I find that it’s a good place for me keep at arm's length, but for the tougher sort who can handle a place that boasts a bar on every corner, Key West has your number.

The Key West Wreckers Levi/Leather Club was organized in 1991 by thirteen men (hence the "13" in their logo) interested in forming a club to endorse the leather lifestyle and raise charitable funds for the local community. They hold several fundraising parties on certain days of the year, and are quite busy during the week of Fantasy Fest. I even marched with them in their contingent back in 1999 (During my bad ol' days).

You can find out more about them by visiting their site: Key West Wreckers – Levi Leather Club. Thank you, Gary, for your suggestion.

Posted by Bastique at July 3, 2004 2:34 PM


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