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July 12, 2004
White House Wants to Lift Logging
The latest from Yahoo News (see Yahoo! News - White House Proposes Lifting Logging Rule):
"BOISE, Idaho - The Bush administration Monday proposed lifting a national rule that closed remote areas of national forests to logging, instead saying states should decide whether to keep a ban on road-building in those areas. "

As we get closer to the election, the White House is just going to bombard us with even more and more idiotic things so we can't focus on the real evil ways they're working to get the elite embedded into the government. Anyone notice how in state governments dominated by Republicans the congressional districts are gerrymandered beyond comprehension to concentrate likely Democrat voters into areas and spread out Republicans so that they dominate voter percentages in a greater amound of areas. How come nobody has gone to court.
I'm starting to sound really paranoid. Maybe it just seems to me that the White House is entirely obvious in its deception. I think that the rest of the voters just don't mind.
I don't have the source of this quote, but I just hope the last part is true:
When the Republicans do finally come to power, they'll make such a blatant effort to keep it that they'll do themselves in.
If you're not registered to vote, get registered. Start caring about things, and make the right choioce.
Posted by Bastique at July 12, 2004 1:32 PM