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August 16, 2004
Anything Goes--For Gay Writers
PSA for Lavender Writes:

In Anything Goes, local gay and lesbian writers will share stories exploring a wealth of topics, issues and emotions. This Open Mic event is free and takes place Saturday, August 28, 8 p.m., at Borders Books and Music, 2240 East Sunrise Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale. 954-566-6335.
Writers who want to participate must sign up in advance by contacting us and we'll forward the information. Readers are invited to listen and enjoy.
For more information about this or other Lavender Writes events, visit our website, Lavender Writes.
Lavender Writes provides service and support to lesbian and gay writers by sponsoring writing workshops, developing public forums for writers to present their work and offering assistance with publication. Non-gay writers and readers are also welcome to participate.
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Lavender Writes Lavender Writes Update! Writing ContestPosted by Bastique at August 16, 2004 11:29 AM