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September 18, 2004

Books and Books

In continuing my tradition of reviewing a website every Saturday, the website I'm featuring today is All Consuming. What this website does is loads up blog reviews of books and tracks them. That's it. For book connoisseurs I find this uniquely fascinating.

What's interesting is that it doesn't list books by what's selling or by what's being read, but by what's being talked about. The site picks up books talked about in the last hour, top books of the day, of yesterday, one week ago, one month ago, and one year ago.

I found All Consuming one day while googling myself. My first review was Fool's Errand (See links at right); and this service immediately picked up on the link and listed my site on their pages.

There are some serious glitches. For one thing, the site goes down with regularity. Another is that for some reason it stopped picking up my book reviews. But I guess things like that happen when a site is pretty much run by one person, on a shoestring budget. Eric Benson is the creator of All Consuming, and has his own personal weblog at Erik Benson

If I could figure out how to use Trackback without Blogger, I'd go that route, because I simply want to be included. I'm not certain, however, so I'm not going to really worry too much about it.

If you like books, then you'll like All Consuming.

Posted by Bastique at September 18, 2004 11:15 PM


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