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September 6, 2004

Frances Aftermath

Hurricane Policies

Your convenience last...

I'm not so upset about the negligible wind damage caused by the recent hurricane. I lost an arbor that can be repaired, most of the bamboo leaves that I found in the pool and some loss of small limbs and leaves on my large trees. As far as hurricanes go, Frances barely made a scratch around the home.

What really gets me pissed off is that I lost power at 8:00pm on Saturday night and at 1:09pm on Monday it still hasn’t come back. I’m almost certain that our power has been diverted somewhere else; and even if that isn’t the case, that it would take no time at all to restore it. But, the word is, from FPL that the best we can hope for is tomorrow night.

This hurricane has brought out the worst in everyone. I’ve heard more talk of looters of every kind running around. It looks like they’re catching these guys for the most part, some of whom have been looting vacated trailer parks, because there’s nobody there. What kind of person preys on people who live in trailers? It’s not bad enough they have to live in a trailer, but they have to get lost every time a storm comes through and now worry about whether their property has been stolen! Because of these assholes looting them, now the people in mobile homes are going to be less likely to abandon their homes the next time a storm comes through.

I’m surprised I got this much out. I’m at a borrowed computer on borrowed time.

Posted by Bastique at September 6, 2004 1:05 PM


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