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October 14, 2004
Mean People
Most mornings when I walk Banjo, I pass by this one house on a corner, where this Jack Russell terrier goes barking through the fence at anyone and anything that passes by. Now, Banjo loves other people and other dogs. He makes it a point to go out of his way to sniff them, smell them, even through fences. The Jack Russell’s fence is close enough to the road that Banjo can easily get to it, but, in the case of this dog, Banjo stays away. This is one mean little doggie. Everything made more sense when the Bush/Cheney 2004 sign appeared right in the corner of these people’s yard. Bush people are, by and large, mean people.
There’s a man up on 69th Street—he’s made his two-bedroom ranch style home look like a trailer, and he’s got three dogs, that he walks all at once. He has a big, long white beard and glasses, and looks like he belongs on a mountain in Idaho. And he’s got a Bush sign in his front yard. Furthermore, he’s got a “Veterans against Kerry” sticker in the window of his house. Before I knew his political inclinations, I’d seen him outside. Never a wave or a smile, like so many of our neighbors. Just a mean look in his eye, like he’d as soon spit on you as shake your hand. He’s probably a die-hard member of the NRA as well.
These are the people that have only bad things to say about their neighbors, except when they’re speaking to them. These are the people who still want to keep the “undesirable” elements from their neighborhood. These are the people who, in spite of all evidence to the contrary, believe that God created the world in seven days, gays choose their orientation and the death penalty is a deterrent to crime.
It has got to be a sense of total selfishness that would encourage someone to support a president who has done nothing but send our nation into the ditches. “I’m voting for Bush because I don’t want the feds to take my money.” “I’m voting for Bush because I want to be able to fire a semi-automatic weapon in the privacy of my own home (in case I get robbed, I can blow the brains out of my burglar).” “I’m voting for Bush because if gay people are allowed to marry, my children might turn gay.” “I’m voting for Bush because he kicked Saddam Hussein’s ass and showed the world not to mess with Americans.” “I’m voting for Bush because I’m from Texas and none of this really makes any difference to me.” “I’m voting for Bush because it’s we Americans against them, and anybody that doesn’t support the president is un-American.”
Frankly, I haven’t heard a reason to vote for Bush that wasn’t based on selfishness, entitlement, or apathy. Except possibly for the misconception that Bush was solely responsible for our recovery after 9-11 (which many believe would not have happened had Gore been in the White House), or that he had a valid reason to go into Iraq, and not just to fulfill contracts with huge companies with Executive Branch ties and to put the oil into American (and Saudi) hands.
At least Kerry people are generally good natured, and friendly—even if they are voting for a candidate whose only marginally better than the president.
Posted by Bastique at October 14, 2004 1:21 PM
bush peeps are mean. and stupid. god i'm so damn scared he'll get elected again.
Posted by: bigheadben at October 1, 2005 9:13 PM