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October 26, 2004

Reunion in Columbia

On Saturday came the big Brookland-Cayce Class of 1984 Reunion. Wow… it was totally freaking. The hardest part was remembering who I was supposed to know versus who I actually knew. There were, however, many faces I did recognize.

Me and Mitch and Sandy
Me, Mitch McGee and Sandy Stoeffler
I guess I'm mugging...
I don’t have a lot of memories from high school. Why I could remember people and not any particular events is beyond me. I remember dreading to go into class in fear of being made fun of… but I can’t remember who it was that was doing the taunting.

I know I stayed very much to myself. When someone didn’t recognize me, I’d explain that I had really light blond hair, longer, I was skinny as a rail and I read comic books in class. Then they’d figure it out. Finally, someone pulled the 1984 yearbook out and there was my Senior class picture in the Junior section (I had failed tenth grade English and didn’t make it up until the summer after my senior year). THEN, people recognized me. Including people I really didn’t remember myself.

I think that ultimately more people remembered me than I remembered. My biggest fear was that people were going to look old. There was a lot of gray hair but not too much looking old. I looked very different than high school. Some other people looked identical. Some people said that other people who looked the same looked different.

And I broke my smoking ban by having four cigarettes during the course of the evening.

Bad Cary.

Posted by Bastique at October 26, 2004 3:00 PM


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