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November 15, 2004
Manage me
“Be careful what you pray for,” the old adage says. Recently, I was praying for the ability and opportunity to pay my bills, and what happens? I get inundated with work. I'm not complaining, no, far be it for me to complain, but I work from my PC at home. Which means I have to set my own schedule. Commit to doing things at certain times of day. Set aside blocks of time to do certain things.
Even saying those things makes my eyes glaze over with a misty haze and I want to convulse and spin my head around like Linda Blair in the Exorcist. Don't worry about the pea soup—who has time to eat anything in the morning?
1) The Company: Well, they got ahead on the scripts and I've only had a few drizzle in, but the boss has a new efficiency expert in the form of his girlfriend. This fellow is a reasonable guy and I was surprised he'd even hire a girlfriend, but she knows her stuff and suddenly I've been presented with all sorts of work! Like training her in Filemaker 5.0, a database relationship program which seems to have no idea what database relationship programs are supposed to look like. It's okay, though—I think they've fixed things with Filemaker 7.0 to make it look a lot like Access, FoxPro, and all that, with SQL scripts. Many of you may be glazing over in a hazy mist right now. The rest of you understand what I'm saying.
2) The Photographer: His website is looking fantastic. The layout is done using the increasingly popular cascading style sheets rather than in strict HTML. Using tables for layout is over, man. CSS is where it is. He's also asked me to help out in another website. My answer? Yes.
3) The Artist: I still have work to do on his site. And we I haven't been working well with the Ebay stuff —there was a substantial run on it but the last few things didn't sell too well. Time to rethink our prices and the rest. But the art is still fabulous. Anyone out there that wants to buy art, part of the profits are going to me!
4) Me: I need to move this blog to another page and set up MY website properly. I've got a marketable skill, not my writing of course—I have to be published a bit more. No, I'm talking about my web design. If you clicked on any of the websites I've done, you realize they're absolutely fabulous. You can't get this stuff by paying $9 an hour to AIFL students. I already know everything they can teach. Now I need to make money at it.
Suggestions anyone? If someone out there is willing to invest some time in time managing me, it would free me up to make some incredible money. I would, of course, share this with you. I have the talent, you supply the management. We'd make a wonderful team.
Posted by Bastique at November 15, 2004 9:49 AM