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November 12, 2004

Move on!

Bush got elected.

Those tiny, rural counties in Florida with great numbers of Democrats registered, voted heavily Republican in the last presidential election. It makes perfect sense that they would do so again.

So many people voted early that exit polling would, basically, suck—and did.

Furthermore, as evidenced by the Bush/Cheney bumper stickers and road signs still up in my Broward County neighborhood, I'm willing to believe Bush got the vote fair and square.

In the unlikely event that someone is going to feel such guilt that they will confess to widespread voter fraud, it's not going to be proven. The only thing it's going to do is further alienate ordinarily level-headed liberals from the rest of the country. We want their vote next time, remember?

So stop sending me emails about the election. I think I got that Investigate the Vote email from moveon.org from six different people. A word to moveon.org: MOVE ON! It was hard enough to get past 2000--and I'm not even a Democrat, I'm a Green.

The Geekslut had some very good things to say on his website. Before you click, he usually has a lot of heavy sex content, so be wary. For those who don't want to dare his website, I'll quote him:

What to do:
Frankly I don't give a deleted word. I'm not a Democrat (I'm not a Republican either). And I'm kind of digging watching all the democratic bigwigs fall over each other pointing fingers. But I do have a few suggestions:

1. Drop the queers (for a few).
Meaning me, and probably you. We're a huge liability to the party. And what do we bring to the table anyway? Latest numbers I've seen suggest that some 20% of us voted for Bush. Not good. Until we got our own house in order, get our own sales pitches to America horned and working, we are a liability.

2. Beef up Narrowcasting programs. Someone knocks on your door. They dress like you, talk like you, act like you, speak the same issues as you - that's Narrowcasting. Or at a bar. Some cute boy flirting around. Going from group to group. Not selling anything. Just having fun. He's wearing jeans and a t-shirt donned with a corporate logo. That's Narrowcasting.

Using data telling who and what you are (or your group), you get sent a body that you'll relate too. It's expensive though. And takes time. And you still need a good sales pitch. But it's a softer in-your-face way of getting your point (or product) across.

3. Don't copy the Republicans.
Not on issues anyway. Come up with better sales pitches. But act like them. Lawyers (most party operatives) are bad communicators. So keep yours on issue. Keep it simple. Say it fast. Look good. And never, ever give too much information. Sure, have it available for the odd-bird (like me) who might ask for it. But most won't.

4. And for the love of god, get decent haircuts.

Yeah, we're pretty sure King George II is going to destroy things pretty bad. If we want to do something about it, however, we need to work toward the future, not the past.

Posted by Bastique at November 12, 2004 2:55 PM


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