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January 9, 2005

Blogroll Roundup

drumrollI'd like to spend a little time updating my readers on the other blogs that I read regularly, because these are all people whose lives, however different from mine are yet similar to mine in both our ordinariness and our uniqueness.

I've never officially talked about Atheist Rants & Rages, but Aaron the Atheist, even though he is a Godless heathen writes with more spirituality than many supposed Christians that I know. I define spirituality, in this instance, as an awareness that being an individual does not preclude one from understanding that there are a world of human beings around us. My own beliefs, although originating from a Christian source, do not conform from any Biblical teachings, i.e., that Jesus was the Son of God.

My own beliefs reflect that he was an utterly enlightened man, who taught about the higher awareness of our individual beings, and that we ourselves can learn to become closer to that enlightenment. There were many Gospels written about the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. It's important to note that the ones that are included in the Bible were decided at a council (of Nicaea) in the Fourth Century, upon direction by Constantine, an Emperor only interested in quelling the Pagan/Christian fighting that was present throughout the Roman Empire and converted to Christianity on his deathbed and only under duress.

Part of what I've come to understand is that the path of enlightenment comes at the awareness of the suffering around us. And doing something about it. Read Aaron's blog. He's certainly more enlightened than the average bear.

Tammi in Texas has suffered a severe automobile accident, and she's providing us the latest while making an attempt to type while in a body cast. I've been helping Tammi somewhat with html code and getting a right proper image into her blog on the upper right. Of course, she asked me to pick from a group of pictures. Of course, homosexual I may be, I'm still of the male gender and I picked out the most salacious of poses, one where she's posing on a horse fence, bootie sticking out for everyone. I thought it was a nice shot. She thought she looked slutty. Tammi, you gave me the pics to choose from!

I phoned Stephen of Geekslut fame, (where he tells stories of his sexual exploits in incredibly graphic detail—and trust me, I have my sources that tell me they're all true) to make sure he was all right, because I haven't seen a post by him in quite some time, the last being pictures of his Paladin character from the interactive online game, World of Warcraft. I thought maybe he'd cracked out on the game…it's pretty intensive. No, he's only decided that writing about his sex life was starting to get boring. He was supposed to put up a message telling about that. I haven't seen it yet.

Annabel, who writes Story of my Life, has found love in the guise of Marty (this is starting to sound like a Soap Opera Digest article), a long-distance lover. He recently visited her in Texas on vacation, and now she is suffering a mild longing since he's been away. Keep at it Annabel.

Finally, I've been doing some typing for Prison Pete, who has recently been moved to a new jail pending a final destination. (I think.) You should see what Doesn't get into the blog. Pete's really got a lot of time on his hands to think about things, like life, love, and the pursuit of happiness.

Posted by Bastique at January 9, 2005 11:53 PM


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