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January 5, 2005

Hibiscus after Winter Rains

South Florida has glorious weather...three months of the year. One of the amazing things I can do in January is go out into my backyard and take pictures like this one:

Hibiscus after Winter Rains

This Hibiscus plant has been dropping buds all summer long, and through the fall. But since December, it's been cool enough to give it an opportunity to show its fullness.

I'm not sure what the hybrid's name is anymore. Michael and I bought it at the Fort Lauderdale Home and Garden show back in 97 or 98. In the last few years, the plant has been suffering from serious neglect, and finally, toward the end of 2003, I took it from the ground and put it in a pot, whereupon the Roomie nearly killed it by putting dirt in the pot and suffocating it. After some desperately needed TLC, it offered up its first bloom in years last January, and the plant has been putting out plenty of leaves ever since.

Posted by Bastique at January 5, 2005 10:32 AM


is gorgeus...has anyone some seedes of these miricole?

Posted by: vivi at February 23, 2006 7:27 AM

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