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February 27, 2005

Terry Brooks' The Scions of Shannara

I haven't done a book review in a long time. That's not to say I haven't read a book in a while, quite the contrary: I've read about twelve books since my last book review. I've just been preferring to read than to actually write about them. But it's always good to know what people think about the books you read when you've read them. Also, by clicking on the links and buying them at Amazon.com, you're making me money.

The Scions of Shannara

Having said all that, it's been a couple of months since I read The Scions of Shannara, and I read it quickly, just like with all of Terry Brooks' books. I finished Wishsong of Shannara (without reviewing it) and immediately picked up Scions, which actually takes place several hundred years after Wishsong. This was the beginning of Brooks' new Shannara series, and he provides us with a number of characters this time, their story stretching over the entire length of the series. We encounter the young Ohmsfords, Par and Coll--Par possessive of the wishsong's magic (inherited from his ancestor), and Coll, his older, caretaking brother. Allanon, druid of the first trilogy, is dead, but from beyond sends a message to Cogline (who we find out is more than just an old man we remember from the end of Wishsong), to get the Ohmsford scions (there's a word, look it up!) to gather together and take on certain tasks. This includes the dark "uncle" to the Ohmsfords, Walker Boh, and the elvish-looking cousin, Wren Ohmsford.

What can I say? The book was wonderful and successfully carried the story in the tradition of the early series. It jumped around a bit, however, and although it's necessary for the Heritage of Shannara four-book series, it couldn't possibly be read on its own.

You need to move onward to the other books. I'll review them when I get to them.

But you can buy it here: The Scions of Shannara (Heritage of Shannara (Paperback))

Posted by Bastique at February 27, 2005 07:51 PM


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