March 22, 2005
Ecological helplessness
So, I decided to start looking for my next car. I want to save the environment. Apparently the Honda GX is the wonder of the universe! High fuel economy, it runs on CNG (compressed natural gas). So, next thing is to find a the closest Honda dealer that sells it.
Uh-oh! Clearwater, Florida is the closest we get to a dealer. That's 200 miles away! I can take a day trip! It's worth it to save the environment!
Before I make this investment, I have to find out where I can refuel! I went to the US Department of Energy's Alternate Fueling Station Locater, slipped in my zip code, and Voila! there's a refeuling station less than a mile from my house—but wait. It's Private government access only! How rude! I have to drive to Sunrise to find a refeuling station.
I'm beginning to think that nobody wants alternative fuel vehicles in South Florida.
Posted by Bastique at 11:44 PM | Comments (1)
March 18, 2005
Abuse your'll lose custody
I've been writing some internet articles for my company's clients so they get better search engine results. Take a look at Relapse Prevention. I can write non-fiction.

For my latest article, Addiction Treatment, I did an internet search, and came up with this news piece: Better drug treatment for gays urged. It starts off:
To combat the problem of substance abuse within Chicago's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, drug-treatment services should become more sensitive to issues of sexual orientation, according to a report released Thursday by the city's Health Department.
The first-of-its kind report, which took three years to produce, says substance-abuse programs that address the needs of the LGBT community are "clearly lacking" and recommends the improvement of existing services through cultural-sensitivity training. It also calls for the establishment of standards to guide service providers on how best to address drug problems in the community.
Click the article title to see the entire article.
Whose fault is this? It's 2005, well into the 21st Century and we still haven't dealt with the problem of gay drug abuse. Believe me, it hardly comes from within our own community, where glass pipes are almost a status symbol and track marks are noted with cute comments like, "oh, Mary, looks like someone missed."
Crystal Methamphetamine, the leader of the latest plague facing the gay community but far from the only drug involved, is generally referred to as Tina and an over-the-top, sleepless-for-days user is referred to as being tweaked or spun. Even the name Crystal does little to reveal the beast that lurks within its addiction. I have to laugh when I hear people refer to Tina as The Bitch, a kind of euphemism-on-euphemism.
Snorts are referred to as bumps. Needles are called simply points. I don't know yet whether the pipes have got a cute name. If you didn't think it couldn't get cuter. Take a look at this (warning, could be triggering): Mr. Veiny's Crystal Meth Tips.
Perhaps it would be better to begin to call it crank once more...or does that simply bring up images of Hell's Angels bikers producing it from condoms. I'm afraid that will probably encourage rather than dissuade many of the community.
Meth seems entirely appropriate, and lends a hint of scientific credibility. It's like referring to one's tallywacker as a penis.
Maybe if we called it used smegma people would think twice about using it. Junk has a nice ring to it, and brings up images of arm-sore herion addicts drifting away in a shooting gallery.
How about we call it something with a ring of truth to it, like Slow death? I believe that would get people thinking.
"Hey Phil, you got a bump of slow death, would ya?" it sounds too much like a mixed drink.
Posted by Bastique at 8:39 AM | Comments (10)
March 14, 2005
Papa Bird's Search
My Papa Bird is just going crazy, keeps calling out, the way he used to when both he and Mama Bird flew out of the cage...

I put him in with his two daughters, hoping that he wouldn't become lonely and dejected. He's not being fooled. It's breaking my heart to hear it, constantly, over and over.
Posted by Bastique at 10:49 AM | Comments (2)
March 13, 2005
Fly Away Mama Bird
This afternoon I was cleaning in the living room where the cockatiels are, around their cages and the floor. At one point something about the way my Daddy Bird was behaving made me look at the cage. Mama Bird was lying on the bottom, dead.
I can't figure out what happened. I sprayed Lysol underneath the cage yesterday after I cleaned them, but I didn't think I got it nearby. Maybe I jostled the cage and she fell down and broke her neck. For the life of me I don't understand what might have happened.
She was, probably the least social of my birds, not friendly at all, but she gave birth to five other, living cockatiels, three that I still have and two that have found homes with friends. But I still felt helpless holding her little body in a paper towel in my hand, wondering why she suddenly died; wondering if I had actually done something to cause it.
I dug a hole in the back yard and buried her, inside the paper towel, leaving a little marker until I can make something more permanent. The worst part about it was that I had already talked to Michael during his weekly call and have to wait until next Sunday afternoon before I can tell him.
I don't even have a picture of her anywhere...
Posted by Bastique at 11:23 PM | Comments (0)
March 11, 2005
Lisa Marie's Dirty Laundry
When I read my AOL mail from my browser window and logged out, I was brought to's main page, which I ordinarily just ignore. But I glanced up and saw Lisa Marie Presley's face peering out at me with the headline, "Lisa Marie Airs Her 'Dirty Laundry'"
Coming just as her ex-huh...huh...huh...heh, heh, heh... Michael Jackson's trial goes from bizarre to surreal, it seemed, I don't know, completely tasteless? Amazingly timed? Of course, Lisa Marie has had her share of tabloid space as well. So, was this a new song by Lisa Marie, or... my stomach flipped... a cover of Don Henley's 80s classic hit?
I've never really been privy to Lisa Marie's talent. I guess she just hadn't made the radio stations that I happen to listen to, and I suspect, not the least of which is her unusual celebrity status. One cannot be the child of a diety and secluded for much of one's life without the general public thinking of one as somewhat strange. Never mind that the girl has probably inherited at least some bit of her parents' talent, and quite possibly had some professional training to go along with it.
She does the song justice. I was rather pleased by her rendition of it, and I actually understood the words better than I ever did with Don Henley. The video was quite amazing too. Look for George Michael there toward the end. You can click Lisa Marie's face to find the music video online.
My respect for Lisa Marie has jumped.
Posted by Bastique at 1:57 PM | Comments (4)
March 9, 2005
I can be pro-life!
Y'know... I always had to wonder why gay rights had to be tacked on to the murder of unborn children. Why do I always have to keep my mouth shut and my opinion to myself when people around me do the politically correct thing and come out with a pro-abortion stance.
Something I've dealt with in my sci-fi writings has finally come out in politics. A representative in Maine is promoting a bill that would introduce legislation making it illegal to choose to abort a fetus that has the "gay" gene. Hurrah!
Gay rights groups, on the other hand, are up in arms. Why? Who the fuck knows. Anyway, through this, I found the following website: The Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians.
It doesn't make me a Republican.
Posted by Bastique at 12:03 PM | Comments (1)
March 2, 2005
Terry Brooks' The Druid of Shannara
The second book in the Heritage of Shannara series was probably the one out of all four that I enjoyed the most. The Druid of Shannara really concentrates on Walker Boh's quest to find the Black Elfstone, a magical device of incredible power, that changes whoever uses it. It negates magic, but only by bringing the magic into the stone's bearer. Joining him is Quickening, an elemental, the creation and the daughter of the King of the Silver River, one of the few left living of the very earlist time in the Four Lands. Morgan Leah, the current bearer of the Sword of Leah also joins him, as well as an assassin, Pe Ell, whose appointed responsibility is to use his powerful knife, the Steihl to kill Quickening.
The characterization was phenominal. From the childish curiosity and ancient knowledge of Quickening, to the dark threads within the mind of Pe Ell. Most especially, I enjoyed the internal struggle that confronts Walker Boh, dealing with the loss of his arm as well as his aversion to Druids and everything they stand for, despite the fact that his destiny is to restore the Druid's Keep, Paranor, and become one of them.
Finally, I was fascinated with the stone city of Eldwist full of trap doors and hidden mechanics, and its denizen the Stone King, Uhl Belk, who had stolen the Black Elfstone and was becoming undone by it. Much of the book takes place in the stone streets and stone buildings of Eldwist, but the story does not get mired there.
You can by the book here: The Druid of Shannara (Heritage of Shannara (Paperback))
Posted by Bastique at 10:54 PM | Comments (0)
March 1, 2005
Moving Day
My roommate's gone
I'm all alone
Got nothing done
This house is creepy when only one person lives here. Although I'm thankful for the opportunity to be able to get work done without distraction, I'm nevertheless anxious about being the only person in the house.
Notably when I'm not here. I've got the garage back, now, so I'll be able to park Michael's car inside, but that means that when I'm not here there will be no cars parked out front. Thank heavens I've got a dog, who, as loving and playful as he is, he's mostly pit bull, he sounds like a pit bull and looks like a pit bull. Better than any security system.
So, I'll be working from home, and spending nights at home, only seeing people when I stop by the office to drop off or pick up work, or at meetings. I need someone here!
My former roommate, who just moved out today, left a message on my home phone (in error, he must have dialed by mistake as he was driving) of his cat meowing from the cat carrier.
God I already miss the company...
Posted by Bastique at 10:23 PM | Comments (0)