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May 11, 2005

Not making any promises

But I feel like getting back and doing some writing again. Yeah, yeah, we've heard that before. Hense the phrase, "I'm not making any promises!" But sometimes it may just be a matter of copying something and providing my opinion on it.

And there's the death penalty. Was listening to Morning Sedition this morning, an Air America program with Marc Maron and Mark Riley. This morning's guest was Dan Zegart, a journalist and staunch anti-death advocate, (shouldn't we all be), whose startling revelations lately point out that our lethal injection method is not as humane as we'd like to believe. What do you expect when you've got prison employees performing duties that a doctor should, in methods that not even a veterinarian would employ?

While there are so many cases against the death penalty—while the only case for it stems from a desire for REVENGE. He does point out that in nations where euthanasia is legal, a massive dose of barbituates is indicated.

The death penalty is in itself barbaric, it used far more frequently against minorities and the poor, Unless it happens to be an African American male murdering an African American—which our prosecutors seem to find more acceptable. It provides no deterrant to killing, and, there is little evidence that shows that the families of victims of death-row inmates actually receive any kind of psychological closure. Furthermore, more Americans oppose the death penalty than ever before.

Many of those who protest against the death penalty, notably the ones standing outside the prison holding signs on executation days, are not your garden-variety liberal. A great majority identify as being Christian, and a number of them are, in fact, Conservatives, for instance, Catholics, who do hold to the higher standard of God's will over man's.

Posted by Bastique at May 11, 2005 08:36 AM


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