This is my new favorite place to hang out in my free time: Winter Is Coming Fan Forum.

It's a different Song of Ice and Fire (George R. R. Martin's famous series) fan forum than others in that it centers more around the HBO TV Show Game of Thrones than the books themselves. However, most of the contributors have read the novels; whether before or after seeing the television show. So there are discussions about the novels, speculation about upcoming books, as well as discussions of Seasons 1 and 2 and speculation on casting and scripting of Season 3 and beyond.
And those of us who have read the books are not book purists. It's okay to like some of the changes that the TV show has made from the books. I happen to like some characters, like Charles Dance's Tywin Lannister, for instance much better than I did in the book.
Anyway, this post is in hopes of getting some Google juice going for them.
UPDATE 09/12/2012: The site now has a new, independent URL: Winter is Coming Geeks