So, I'm working on the
San Francisco Conference of Lutheran Churches website as my likely internship project. And it's very interesting going; as I've never worked in
Wordpress before, but there are a lot of similarities with movabletype, which is what my website is designed in.
Please forgive the color scheme; I did not design that. I'm sure it will be something that will be transformed into something considerably That will be a later change. At present, I've been including a calendar of events, in order to make it somewhat more useful.
Most pages will also have worship times as well as direct links to conference churches' websites and/or location.
One one page I have created a
Google map page so people can more easily find whatever church they would like to visit.
The ultimate goal for this is twofold. So that people may find a suitable Lutheran church to fit their own identity and spiritual needs, and for outreach and evangelism for those affected by negativity in other Christian churches and/or other faith origins. There is an incredible variation in churches in San Francisco; and almost everyone can find a spiritual home.
I will be providing updates as this project unfolds.